Saturday, December 31, 2011


Another Christmas commission, ready to show in the big world.
Max has white eyelashes, which are perfect for a 15 year old, and fur like cotton candy. Spunky but just a little creaky, this old guy is a workin' dog and great friend to his family.

Saturday, December 24, 2011


This is a special gift for a good friend. It is pastel pencil on tinted watercolor paper. Started as a black and white charcoal, but I couldn't help getting these amazing tones in.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Four Noble K9's!

From way out East, I got this commission to honor a retiring K9 Cop and his four favorite partners. A great thank you gift for a man well loved by his staff and co-workers and a wonderful honor to his historic canine heros.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Dr. Delac's Mini

This is the tiny little furbaby of my wonderful vet, Lori Delac. She has helped so much with The Dude, I want everyone to share her love of beasties, and head to Indian School Animal Hospital in Scottsdale. Great care!
5" watercolor on Canvas