Anyway, I finished a piece on the road and may have a few changes (including adding my red DOT for a sale, but I must say, painting on the road is a really great way to travel!!
****I have edited this until after Chrismas, a it is a gift and I hope the recipient did not see it yet!!! ******
This is from the same day at the park. Here is Scrappy. One of the most absolutely adorable dogs I have met in my park days. He is a doxy mix and I believe it is Sharpei. LONG LOW body, big intellegent head! All of my reference photos had him sailing in the air and literally flying in play.
Wow, Debra! You painted this whilst on the move?! Amazing. I bet that journey passed quickly? Great composition in this piece. Love it.
Well, Bill and I are the only ones who know... I will probably re-post this on Christmas. I hate to ruin a surprise. I actually have a few in the pile I can't post yet! Darn it!!!
When I hear they are happy and delivered, I will have a few faces to cover the festive week around the holidays!
The piece is now my Christmas day post. Bill jumped my own gun and posted before I thought about spoiling the surprise so you can jump ahead to see the painting on the 25th!
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