Thursday, October 15, 2009

First Place Pastels at the Arizona State Fair...

Sorry, this is not a dog. My other life is creeping in!

I will be demonstrating for opening day tomorrow at 1 pm. Our artist's reception is next Tuesday and I will be hanging out with the crowd, shaking hands and chatting! Feel free to hit the Fairgrounds and come by and say hi! I will probably do dogs there...farther and farther behind.


Patty Henderson said...

I'm not surprised this won first place Debra! It's excellent!!

Debra Jones said...

Thank you, Patty.
I fear the pressure from my other art might just catch up with me. I am lagging on the dogs, but by Thanksgiving, I hope to have 365 little furry faces under my belt and I will post the new commissions, but fewer daily dogs. If you all want people... that may be a deal!