Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Windblown Sheltie

I just loved the look of this little one, waiting in the tent. Well coiffed, patient and with a look that just KNEW before they entered, who the winner would be.
This is a larger piece, on 9 x 6" watercolor paper for $120. Unframed, unmatted.


Patty Henderson said...

Love this one! Really like the lost edge of his fur on the neck...well done!

Dean H. said...

Hi, Debra! I used to follow your work on Wet Canvas for several years. It's a thrill to find you blogging! Will be back.

Debra Jones said...

I am getting a bit skittish about forum political correctness. As a show-off this suits me! Sort of the "DEBRA SHOW!" I hope to keep you coming back!