Sunday, May 10, 2009

This was a scouting trip to a pet store. This Corgi and little Bassett pup took a second out of their frolic to see what the paparazzi were doing and then right back to the brawl!
It is a pastel, 11x14" which sells for $600


Sally McLean said...

I Love the colour and the composition of this pastel. WOW!!

Patty Henderson said...

Gorgeous! Is there anything you can't paint with??

Debra Jones said...

Thank you both!
I am cheating, because I have been pulling a few from the archive! This is on suede mat board. Left over from framers shops. It is luscious. The key to it is using very light pressure and harder sticks. I did a lot of these in the early days. More watercolors so I can finish faster now. And a lot of non productive time this month. drat!