Sunday, June 26, 2011

A New Blog from Me.

I am trying to generate some funding to help my cat, know as The Dude, get a radiation treatment to cure his hyperthyroidism.
Way back when he was first diagnosed I featured his good looks in this blog. And now I am hoping to use social networking to finance the one time treatment that will allow him to have his own life... and I can have mine!

In the hundred plus degree days we have in Arizona, there is very little opportunity to find work as I used to. With a healthy, normal CAT cat, who can be alone a few days at a time, I am going to be able to go to art fairs around the country and at the very least, go up to cooler north country for fairs and festivals!

If you take a look at my new blog:
You will see a button below that links you to a fund raising site.
The beauty is that my budget can't handle the full amount. Neither can most of my friends... but a lot of friends can donate a very little bit and it will help!

My once portly 18 pound Dude is looking a bit gaunt:

If you want to help, just follow the blog and send it to your friends! I am going to paint a few more portraits of him and every donor that sends their snail mail to me will get a thank you card of the boy and a hand written note... not that THAT is a prize!

Thank you all

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