Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Great Profile

This dog was snapped on a trip! Traveling from point A to point B, it was taking a break. I had painted it as a larger piece, but I was just in love with its look, so I have done a mini of it. Again 5x7", $85.


Bill_J said...

Another beautiful little portrait Debra. I love it. How long does it take you to complete one this size? Also, you seem like an extremely highly motivated person but are there days when you just don't feel like painting? Or you you still get a buzz from every painting you do? Sorry about all these questions Debra.....I'm just curious, and envious, of your style and I want to get a feel for how you manage a painting a day!

Debra Jones said...

YES I think it may be physiological. I was really looking depressed a few years ago and went on meds. My MAIN lifestyle change was a clean house and normal expectations. I realized it made me crazy. I spent most of this year trying to pretend to be a high end portrait painter. Which, don't get me wrong, I CAN be, but I am a bad salesman. The motivation is a three month drought and the need to pay bills.... and I am so much happier doing this than ANYTHING. The house is messy and I NEVER run out of things I want to paint. (Today I did two and a half...)